Ending the week with a Leg Workout!

Im going to leave my leg workout below and My Wife’s workout below.


Squats 4 sets front or back

Leg curls 4 sets

Deadlift 4 sets 2 heavy 2 light.

Calve Raises 4 sets 3 heavy 1 light.


Hip thrust 3 sets light to medium

Leg Curls 4 sets

Squats 4 Sets

Deadlifts 4 sets light weight right now.

Calve raises 4 sets

Also include some sumo squats and crunches.

Monday Workout

I switched up my routine a little bit lately. Today I will focus mostly on my chest and shoulders.

Bench Press 3-5 sets

Push ups

Incline bench press 3-5 sets

Over head press 3-5 sets

Lateral Raises 3-5 sets

I will also throw some calve raises in for 3-5 sets. I work my calves 3 to 4 times a week. That is one of your most stubborn muscles to grow.

Have a blessed day!


I’ve been weight training for years and I always have to remind myself to take a break. When is the best time? Whenever you feel it needs to happen! We have to give ourselves mental and physical breaks. If not you could become lazy and believe it or not weaker when it comes to training. I’ve been taking two rest days a week this past month. I feel so much better and less stressed. It has also made me feel more motivated to get stronger and leaner. So relax and enjoy the warm weather! Have a blessed weekend.

Fitness Goals

Anything worth doing is going to take time and effort. Everything these days is so convenient and fast. Getting in shape is still one of the hardest things to accomplish. I’m taking a little longer than expected to achieve my goal but I’m pushing. The holidays didn’t help lol but I’m focused and continuing to move forward. If anyone needs some advice or guidance just let me know!

Friday Workout!

It’s Friday let’s have a great one! Last day before my rest day.

The workouts are Upper body!

Bench press 3 sets for 8-12 reps or Pushups 3 sets

Lat raises 3 Sets 8-12 Reps

Shoulder press 3 sets 8-12 Reps

Curls 3 sets 8-12 Reps

Crunches Lets Aim for 100!

After I have a 100% Gold Standard Whey Protein Shake.

Still Lifting Still Strong

A lot of times as we get older for whatever reason we tend to let ourselves go lol. Im not putting anyone down Im just stating the facts man. Wether it’s long work hours, being parents, or just not having the energy. I refuse to let time stop me. We have got to better at managing our time. All you need is 45 minutes to an hour. Sometimes less! You can get in shape and stay in shape. I will be 33 years old this summer. I wont let father time stop me from being the best version of myself. You can do it too.

Motivation Monday

Im going to write about the scale today. That thing some of us are scared to step on in the morning. Sometimes I get frustrated with people online that think everything is about weight. This is ridiculous to some us that lift weights on the regular because we know that weight doesn’t really tell the whole story when you’re a lifter! I get pissed off at dudes online that talk down female lifters who are clearly in great shape for being too heavy. What the hell does that mean? lol I honestly think some of it is jealousy forreal. Some of those women can lift more and they’re jealous. The other thing is those people are obsessed with the scale because the famous health chart on google. You know the one that just puts the ideal weight for individuals based on their gender and height. That scale isn’t correct. Take me for example I am 5’8 and weigh around 195. Im not fat at all but I am overweight. I lift heavy and eat a decent amount of food to bulk then I cut to about 185. Which is still overweight according to the chart. I could careless honestly. Sometimes we have to ignore the noise and just stay focused on our goals. We can do it. Ladies and gentlemen You are capable of being in shape no matter your age height or weight. Stay blessed and keep going!

Below are pictures of my wife and I. I weigh 196 and she weighs 155 right now. Were both cutting to 185 and 145.

Workout Wednesday Blog Post

Happy Birthday to me 32 and still strong as ever!

It’s summer time and everyone is hitting the beach and going on vacation. We’re eating out more and enjoying some adult beverages from time to time. Which is fine by the way. Sometimes we find it hard to stay in our typical eating patterns when enjoying summer fun. I know I do. I think the best way to counter this is to Lift a little longer and a little more cardio. I extend my workouts by about 30 minutes and I mix up my routine a little bit. This does help keep my body fat in check. I like to go for a jog or long walk with my wife on cooler days. Hiking and boxing are great ways to stay lean in the summer also. Remember to drink your water! I have some full body workouts for you below. I do these more often in the summer. Just to stay in shape and maintain while on the road.

Body Squats 5 sets

Push ups 5 sets

Crunches 5 sets

Dumbbell military Press 5 sets

Jump rope 10 minutes

Speed bag or heavy bag 20 minutes

If you don’t have a bag try some Shadow boxing.

I do this 3 to 5 days a week.